Tuesday, June 4, 2013

18th Century House project II

Not going really great. I'm using printed card board and I used too much white glue so I'm getting some moisture staining. The stick glue is peeling. Maybe stick with plastic or wood.

These my "brown" house which is close to the Hartwell Tavern in Minute Man Park along "Battle Road" http://home.nps.gov/mima/hartwell-tavern.htm

Instead of an exact model, I'm making each side of the house, a different house, with one end being a shop with a bay window.

We'll see.....


  1. Even with the staining it still Looks good. I´ve found a good way to prevent the staining is to let the PVA go very tacky..almost dry before adding the paper.

  2. I've got to say they look pretty good in these photographs Scott.

  3. Well, despite any staining, I think it looks great! But I can see that thus project has passed from "Yeah, I can do that," to "beyond my level of skill and resourcefulness". If you are finding it difficult, ain't no way I'd do any better.

    On another note, I wonder about the exterior of the Hartwell Tavern, and whether the Hartwells painted the exterior at all. How many of these first and second period houses I, like you, pass every day were painted. Paint isn't cheap now, and it clearly wasn't then. I am sure that the staff at Minuteman has studied the paint layers from original woodwork, and has some idea about what the exterior looked like. For now, anyway they have opted for bare wood.

    Also on the topic of the Hartwell Tavern, I see that a chap in Britain did the Tavern in 28mm. I wonder if he could do the same thing in 54mm.


  4. Looking good - I admire your skill and dedication in this project
