Saturday, September 21, 2024

Expeditionary Force brand United States Navy 54mm plastic figures.

                      These figures are made from the shirt sleeve figures in the Expeditionary Force  Royal Navy Landing Party set.  Figures are from two boxes. I gave the Americans less uniform clothing as opposed to the Royal Navy figures in jackets.  Authentic? In this case the clothing choice is to set the two nation's sailors apart on my table. I gave the low ranking officer a civilian style undress hat and working uniform. 

Some weapons from the arms chest have blackened metal to retard rusting. Sailors have painted canvas cartridge boxes. 


                                     Nice Blunderbuss figure.

Expeditionary Force needs to make more hand to hand poses. I have seen a  collector using these figures for a shipboard diorama.  As the set is meant to be sailors fighting on land, the firearms are included over pistols and cutlasses with just one pose per set. 

Pretty good figures from Expeditionary Force.

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