I have an entry on the female figure from Steve Weston's set of Mexican Peasants. Here is another on the "Machete Guy.."
This figure is good for nearly 150 years of Mexican history fighting the Spanish, bandits, Federales, the French, Indians, and U.S. soldiers. He wields a Machete or maybe it's a cane knife like the one on the right....
...or the ones carried by this guy.
..or these folks...
The figure has a number of conversion possiblities...
With a little more cutting, gluing, and putty...
Steve Weston's figures carve well and cut easily with a hobby saw. It's pretty easy to swap the heads around to get numerous "individuals" from only seven male figures in the set. If you want one lone hero standing up to "El Guapo", or a whole company of Zapatistas fighting for land and bread, the Weston figures have potential. More later.....
"It's a Sweater!!!"
I'm thinking Boxer as well...rebellious China-man not pugilistic ring-fighter!