Friday, September 13, 2024

Expeditionary Force brand Royal Navy 54mm plastic figures.

 X-Force Landing Party set of Royal Navy figures from the Napoleonic era. These figures are from two boxes with 8 sailors and one junior officer armed for a land raid. I used the same hat heads and the figures in jackets to give the party a more uniform look than how the sailors might have appeared. Other figures in set are in shirt sleeves.  Those will be American sailors. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Barszo British Longboat

                                   54mm/1/32 resin boats and figures.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Expeditionary Force Confederates. 2nd Set

 "X Force" released a second set of Civil War "Militia"   that I painted as Confederate regulars. Seven new poses and two original command figures are in the set. Heads are a bit large with a variety of head gear and some weapons are flintlocks. This set follows Expeditionary Force's habit of all figures advancing even while firing. Possibly the company is catering to 54mm War Gamers with their advancing poses. Only the two kneeling poses hold a position.  "X Force" should add some loading poses and poses standing still to fire. The Civil War was still a muzzle loading linear warfare era. 

I painted the figures before assembling, allowing me to paint the details on the chest and behind the arms. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Expeditionary Forces' new Civil war Zouave set.

 Painted as the  114th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, AKA Collis' Zouaves and  Zouaves d' Afrique because of original enlisted company names.   Badly damaged at Gettysburg the regiment became  part of the Army of The Potomac's Provost  force to the end of the War. I painted these figures with plain fez heads rather than the turbaned fez heads also included with the sets. Turbans were worn for parade and guard mount. Period art  shows both headgear. I made a choice. :) This set up includes two boxes of figures. 

Unpainted figure details. 

A set of arms from another set was added.