Sunday, March 31, 2013

Works in Progress.

LED lights for a camp scene.

Coal tender for the EMANCIPATOR..

28mm male and female "naughty people" converted form Brigade Games "Perils & Predicaments" figures.These are being converted from 1930s "Pulp" era back to 1890-1910 to fit with the Hinterland figures I have...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Expeditionary Force 54mm Artillery

I took 4 figures from the set toward making one full crew. I still need the # 4 gunner with the primer lanyard.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Expeditionary Force 54mm dismounted cavalry

It only took me two months to finish these figures. I was distracted. One could leave out the yellow cavalry piping at this scale but I went for it. The collar piping is tough to do. The bugler and mounted officer from the artillery set can be added. Also the infantry officer can be added to the cavalry skirmish line. I need to paint the epaulets  on the officer to yellow.

 The mounted officer is a really good figure and could be painted as a colonel or general.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Replicant's ECW Serving Woman

A very useful figure.

                                        The figure's very basic look is good for 800 years!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spanish Cantinieres

This photo just turned up in a search. Here are two Cantineres and a soldier of the Volunteers of Catalonia from 1860 . The conflict was the Guerra de Africa 1859-1860.

 For anyone trying to recreate the costume, there's good detail of the trouser cuffs on the cantiniere on the left. It also look like some kind of stiffened underskirt like a crinoline was worn.

Here is an image of a Cantiniere from the same conflict.

Monday, March 18, 2013