Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More on Women's Underwear...1868

I have blogged in the past on my research on this subject. Documentation sometimes shows up in places that are unexpected. I was looking at Le Journal Amusant on-line.....


...at cartoons from the 1860s and found a small cartoon in a series of camp life at the training camp at Chalons in 1868. Click to enlarge

 From GOOGLE Translation..the annoyed woman is telling the soldier, an orderly for an officer to just throw a letter on her bed and she will read it later.

The dutiful orderly replies that his lieutenant ordered him to hand it to her and await a reply.

 It's clear that the woman wears her chemise tails under her drawers in this example. I have been looking for period documentation that this was the custom.

more to come......

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New England Humor

For European and American "Fly-Over State" followers, New England Humor involves dry wit and  long detailed descriptions and non-sequitur observations up until the punchline with the Yankee getting the best of another character.

See Bert and I......


This is my tribute to a famous "Bert and I" "Which Way to Millinocket?" story but set in Vermont in 1864 and starring a LEMAX Christmas figure, Replicant Confederates, and assorted accessories from BMC and MARX.

Now if you think I messed with history, there's this movie about the Confederate raid on St. Albans Vermont .........

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lincoln at Fort Stevens

I've been re-reading Shelby Foot's trilogy on the Civil War and this incident in July 1864 during Gen'l Early's drive on Washington, D.C. I did a quick set up of Armies in Plastic Heavy Artillery (with some conversions) and a trusty MARX Lincoln.

The President and Mrs. Lincoln were present when casualties were brought in.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Last Cartridges

The Painting


The film!

Les dernières cartouches (original title) 1897


Little kids reenacting the scene!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

LEMAX Christmas figures...CONTEXT

This Santa set is right out of the package....

This one is a conversion.....

Sacred and Profane .....

You can repaint these LEMAX figures or just color code them in one color to fit in with unpainted plastic soldiers. These figures are resin and difficult to work with as they can be brittle. They will take Milliput putty and can be sawed or filed with hobby tools. They are CHEAP and can be ordered on line from Amazon or
eHobby Tools.

Monday, November 14, 2011

CTS Civil War figures and Friends

Mannie Gentile gave us a funny and detailed review of Classic Toy Soldier's new Confederate 1/32 scale figures.


I picked some Confederates up along with CTS's Union Figures cast in gray plastic and mixed some of the heads. Cunnyngham Collectibles' Confederates fit right in with these figures plus their heads can be swopped around as well. Finally a few figures from Conte Collectables such as officers and color bearers give you more poses to make a unit.